A solid Biblical foundation is key to success in recovery. Your donation funds teachers, books, and extracurricular activities to help our people to grow in their knowledge of the Bible and sober living. We also participate in community learning for GED and college prep when applicable.
Basic health care that many of us take for granted can be hard to access, so we utilize all community programs available to our participants. We also encourage healthy life styles through physical activities.
Community is essential for #soberliving. Together we can hold eachother accountable, influence eachother, inspire eachother, and encourage eachother to be the people God created us to be.
Church attendance is the key to growing in the faith, learning about Christ and growing in fellowship with our brothers and sisters. Church and church activities are mandatory.
As we work with Navajo Missions Incorporated and our church planters, we have a multitude of ministry opportunities. On the "Rez" we help with VBS, teach adult Bible classes, work on construction projects, and distribute food and clothing. This is a great trip for the whole family.
In loving memory